II.6 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking north towards doorway on west side of Cardo III Inferiore.
II.6 Herculaneum, October 2014. Looking west to entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.
II.6 Herculaneum, May 2006. Looking west to entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
II.6 Herculaneum. March 2019. Entrance doorway to bar room. Looking south along west side of Cardo III.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
Ins. II.6, Herculaneum, May 2010. Entrance doorway to bar room. Looking south along west side of Cardo III Inferiore.
Ins III on left, Ins II on right. May 2010. Looking south along Cardo III Inferiore.
II.6 Herculaneum, on left, September 2015. Looking north-west towards junction with Decumanus Inferiore, from Cardo III Inferiore.
II.6/7, Herculaneum, June 2008.
Looking south-west towards corner of Cardo III, lower left, and Decumanus Inferiore, on right. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
II.6/7, Herculaneum, March 2019. Looking west towards a three-sided podium.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
II.6 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking west towards a three-sided podium.
II.6 Herculaneum, April 2011. Looking
west towards a three-sided podium.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
II.6 Herculaneum. August 2013. Looking south-west across counter/podium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
II.6 Herculaneum, September 2015. Remains in south-east corner, south of entrance doorway.
II.6 Herculaneum. March 2019. Looking north-west from rear of masonry counter/podium.
The counter is faced with sheets of marble and embedded with dolia, which would have contained the liquids and foodstuff.
The doorway at II.7 is on the north side of the counter/podium (top right) and entered from the Decumanus Inferiore.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
II.6/7 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking south along eastern side of counter/podium.
II.6/7 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking south at northern end of counter/podium.
At the rear of the counter is the doorway leading into the two rear rooms.
II.6 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking south at western side of counter/podium.
II.6/7 Herculaneum, photo taken between October 2014 and November 2019.
Looking south along
western side of counter/podium. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
II.6/7 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking south into two rear rooms.
II.6/7 Herculaneum, May 2024. Looking towards east end of second rear room. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
II.6/7 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking east into second of the two rear rooms.
According to the guidebook – in the rear rooms of this bar, many amphorae were found.
One of them showed a painted inscription of a Herculaneum maker, with the wording – M. Livi Alcimi Herclani.
See Guidobaldi, M.P, (2009). Ercolano: guida agli scavi. Napoli, Electa, (p.56).
II.6/7 Herculaneum, May 2024.
Looking north-west across first rear room, into bar-room and entrance at II.7. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
II.6/7 Herculaneum, May 2024.
Looking north-east across first rear room, into bar-room and entrance at II.6. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
II.7/6 Herculaneum, September 2015. Looking south towards bar room from II.7.